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Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Children! We are pleased to announce the results of the 5th Art Contest entitled “the Most Beautiful Christmas Card”. We are aware you have been keen to know the winner, but we received so many works that it was a tough nut to crack for our jury.
We had long discussions, debating and convincing one another to the choice of the works which, to our mind, were the best, since they were all of excellent quality. We evaluated not only the appearance, but also the idea, depiction, and technique used. The winning card is that made by Kamil Dragon of grade 5M. We would like to thank all the Little Artists from the Special School no. 9 of Katowice for participation in the contest and for creation of unique cards for KSP, which you can view in the gallery below.
We would also like to take this opportunity and wish a peaceful Christmas and Happy New Year to all our Clients, associates and sympathizers of our Law Office!
Partners and Team of KSP Legal & Tax Advice
56 events, 190 panellists, 170 guests from 35 countries and over 3000 participants – these are the figures summarizing the 3rd European Congress of SMEs held on 16 to 18 September 2013 in Katowice, Poland. The Congress was attended by a number of honorable guests, including the President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski, Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Commission, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Janusz Piechociński, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Economy, and Jerzy Buzek, Polish Prime Minister in the period of 1997–2001, President of the European Parliament in 2009–2012, who honoured with their presence the Congress opening ceremony and the inaugural session.
KSP Law Office was the expert partner for the session entitled “Vicious circle of unfulfilled chances of public-private partnership and public contracts for SMEs”, delivered on the first day of the Congress. During the session, Tomasz Srokosz shared his experience in the area of advisory services related to the accomplishment of tasks with the use of the public private partnership, and he discussed the most interesting projects implemented under PPP.
Conclusions and comments will be published as a result of the debates, meetings, exchange of opinions and experience during the Congress, concerning the SME issues and the possibilities of continued development of the sector. These are intended for use by entrepreneurs but also by representatives of the government and those who enact the law in Poland. The publication will also be handed over to the President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski.
KSP Law Firm is a contents partner of the expert session on the first day of the III European Congress of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises. During the session “Vicious circle of unfulfilled chances of PPP and public contracts for SME”, which will take place on 16 September 2013, at 5.15 p.m., Tomasz Srokosz will share his knowledge and experience in the field of counselling with regard to the tasks related to public-private partnership and he will also discuss the most interesting projects implemented under PPP.
Participation in the Congress is free of charge. On behalf of the organizers: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice, the Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, we would like to invite you to familiarize with the program of the Congress and we encourage you to ask questions concerning PPP, concession and public procurement. Questions should be sent to mailto:tomasz.srokosz@ksplegal.pl tomasz.srokosz@ksplegal.pl
Program of the III European Congress of SME
I National Science Conference „Virual Markets – determinants of their development in the field of economics, finance and law and their influence on the real economy”, organized by the Opole University on 7 June 2013, was an excellent opportunity to exchange the views on the virtual markets and virtual money. The topics which are increasingly the subject of researches for theoreticians and new perspectives for practitioners – entrepreneurs and investors, were discussed during the conference. Adam Roszyk of KSP discussed legal consequences and tax risks associated with the fact that bitcoin is not Money within the statutory meaning. The issues concerning technological requirements of systems that support virtual Money and the ways to control bitcoin market were also discussed.
We would thank you to the organizers for inviting us to this event and we wish further successes in a virtual market.
We would like to invite you to the I National Science Conference: Virtual markets – determinants of their development within economy, finance and law as well as their impact on the real economy” organized by the Opole University on 7 June 2013 The conference provides for a national forum for the presentation of original results of research and application works. The results of the researches of the Department of Finance and Accountancy at the Opole University concerning virtual worlds within economy, finance and law will be presented during the conference. Adam Roszyk will discuss the legal issues related to virtual money – bitcoin. For more details, please www.virtualworlds.uni.opole.pl
Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich przedsiębiorców na Seminarium dla Przedsiębiorców, które odbędzie się 16 maja 2013 r. w Katowicach (Górnośląski Park Przemysłowy budynek Goeppert-Mayer przy ul. Konduktorskiej 33). Głównym celem Seminarium jest podzielenie się z uczestnikami doświadczeniami w zakresie międzynarodowej współpracy gospodarczej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem projektów polsko-francuskich.
Podczas seminarium Elżbieta Lis i Adam Roszyk omówią prawne i podatkowe instrumenty zarządzania należnościami w dobie kryzysu. Udział w Seminarium jest bezpłatny.
Więcej szczegółów oraz program Seminarium znajdziecie Państwo w załączonym pliku.
KSP Law Firm advises the organizers of Silesia Marathon, which is to take place on 12 May 2013 Silesia Marathon is a unique and the largest road race in the Upper Silesia and this year it celebrates its fifth anniversary. The marathon is held on the streets of the major Silesian cities and it attracts more and more runners each year. A record number of 1700 participants has already signed up to this year’s run. Not only medals and t-shirts awaits the runners but also an exceptional prize – MINI car, the main prize in the running contest Silesia Marathon (everyone who completes the run will have a chance to win this car).
We invite you to join the 5th anniversary Silesia Marathon. For more details and the registration form, please visit the official website of Silesia Marathon.
See you on the course!
KSP Law Firm would like to invite you to the seminar – Commune tenders concerning municipal waste management. The final legal status as of March 2013 First tenders experiences. Tomasz Srokosz will discuss the influence of the amendments to the Act on Maintaining Cleanliness and Order in Communes and adopted ordinances as regards organization and preparation of tenders. The agenda, registration form and additional information can be found on the Program — HALLMARK EVENTS website – the Organizer of the Seminar (http://www.hallmarkevents.pl/wydarzenie-103-1).
Please join us!
We would like to invite you to the business breakfast, during which the KSP tax advisors – Magdalena Patryas and Michał Wilk will discuss the issues related to tax settlements within special economic zones based on the latest jurisdiction of administrative courts and interpretations of tax authorities as well chosen possibilities of optimizing tax settlements of such entities as regards actions within the capital group.
In particular, the following issues will be presented during the meeting:
The Business Breakfast will take place on 27 February 2013 in Katowice, the Chorzowska 50 building (conference room 401, IV floor) at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will last approximately 3 hours. Registration from 8:30 a.m.
Participation in the Business Breakfast is free. Maximum 2 representatives of one company may attend the meeting. If you wish to participate, please send the completed registration form (enclosed PDF) up to 15 February 2013 to the following e-mail address: malgorzata.popek@ksplegal.pl. We invite you to attend the Business Breakfast!
KSP Law Firm invites you to the conference „New rules for municipal waste management – on the threshold of their implementation”, organized by the City of Tarnobrzeg. Tomasz Srokosz will discuss during the conference, the requirements for entrepreneurs in the waste management sector and the rules of organizing the tenders by municipalities in the light of the new Act on Maintaining Cleanliness and Order in Municipalities. For more details, please visit the website of the Organizer.
We would like to present the guide on the procedures for setting up a tax warehouse (in Polish), one of the key institutions regulated by the Excise Tax Act, designed by our experts. It is directed especially to the manufacturers, producers and distributors of excise goods as well as the entities specializing in storage of such goods.
The purpose of this guide is to provide basic information enabling a smooth running the tax warehouse. We present step by step the actions which should be taken to achieve the abovementioned aim. We also point out the role of tax authorities and their possible actions and what is more, we list the documents to be submitted to those authorities. We believe that our guide will help you in the process of establishing a tax warehouse in a quick and effective manner.
The latest version of the guide is available at this link.