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We provide concrete solutions. Instead of theoretical analyses we offer assistance in eliminating a problem, entering into a transaction or winning a dispute. Listed below are projects in which we successfully provided advice, combining knowledge of various disciplines of law and taxes.
KSP carried out legal due diligence for a Swiss company operating in the flue gas treatment sector. The due diligence involved a mining company based in the Upper Silesia. To document the procedure, KSP drew up a due diligence report. Additionally, the legal consultancy involved development of privatisation requirements for a branch of the mining company in terms of continuity of hard coal mining by a private entity and representing it during the coal mine privatisation procedure.
KSP provided advice to one of Europe’s largest road and building construction companied under the project of “Renovation of Gliwice Post-Industrial Zone”, consisting in transformation of the areas previously owned by the Gliwice Hard Coal Mine into an education and business zone. As a result of the project, the existing buildings previously owned by the mine are modernised and adapted to the needs of a higher education institution Gliwicka Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości and a Startup Incubator. Project value: EUR 24.2 million (EUR 9.51 million from PHARE 2003 Economic and Social Cohesion, EUR 14.69 million from the budget of the Gliwice Town).
KSP represented a construction company with a Greek shareholder before the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Appeals in Warsaw. Upon the judgement of 29 March 2011, KSP obtained a resolution favourable for the Company.
KSP provided advice at the stage of conclusion of ERUPA (Emission Reduction Unit Purchase Agreement) concluded by a client with a foreign contracting party in terms of its synchronisation with the approval letter of the Minister of Environment of 21 July 2009 and implemented to the Polish law order governed by the Act of 17 July 2009 on the system of management of greenhouse gases and other substances with respect to implementation of the project of joint implementations under the national and international procedures.