Tax risk management

Ef­fec­tive busi­ness re­quires appropriate tax risk man­age­ment. It is the pur­pose of man­ag­ing staff to con­trol the busi­ness risk and to safe­guard against its ef­fects. With our support, our tax-aware Clients ef­fec­tive­ly build the Risk Man­age­ment Pol­i­cy in their busi­ness­es based on the knowl­edge, well-thought-out pro­ce­dures and tools, in­clu­sive of IT sys­tems.

Fre­quent­ly chang­ing and com­plex tax pro­ce­dures, hu­man er­rors, pro-fis­cal ap­proach adopted by officials make it difficult in prac­tice to avoid tax risk con­nect­ed with the ap­pli­ca­tion of tax law (sanc­tions, pe­nal in­ter­est) and some­times even pe­nal li­a­bil­i­ty (based on pe­nal fis­cal code or the act on li­a­bil­i­ty of col­lec­tive en­ti­ties).


The Tax Pol­i­cy de­vel­oped by our tax ad­vi­sors is in­tend­ed to appoint in­di­vid­u­als to be re­spon­si­ble for im­ple­men­ta­tion of in­ter­nal pro­ce­dures, to define the scope of their li­a­bil­i­ty, to know­ing­ly man­age the im­prove­ment of their knowl­edge, to de­vel­op and im­ple­ment good com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween the finance di­vi­sion and oth­er di­vi­sions in our Clients’ en­ter­pris­es so as to make it pos­si­ble for them to con­trol the tax de­ci­sions they take, and - last but not least - to man­age the knowl­edge base so as to save time and costs (to use the avail­able data ef­fec­tive­ly).


One of the ways for KSP professionals to manage the tax risk is to obtain binding tax law interpretations. Used by experts, such instruments may effectively reduce the enormous areas of potential tax risk.

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