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Special Economic Zones (SEZ) are the best tools to attract investors and promote new investment projects in Poland. The main benefit from running a business in SEZ is an exemption of profits generated in the zone from income tax. KSP provides comprehensive services of legal and tax advice to entities commencing their activity in SEZ as well as those already operating there. We assist our Clients at each step of their investment activity in SEZ, starting from planning and applying for a permit, through the investment process until settlement of tax exemption in the zones.
Our services include in particular:
support in the process of applying for a permit to operate in SEZ and agreeing the conditions for tax exemption;
participation in negotiations aimed to expand the selected economic zone;
planning and simulation of benefits connected with operations in SEZ;
legal and tax advice on aspects connected with the investment process in SEZ, including purchase of land within a zone;
assistance in classification of expenses incurred as eligible and non-eligible expenses;
advice on classification of profits and costs into those subject to taxation and those exempted from taxes;
discounting the state aid and expenses incurred by the entrepreneur;
determining the state aid limit and monitoring the level of its use;
analysis of risks connected with business activity within SEZ and their possible reduction;
solving everyday issues related to tax settlements resulting from operations in the SEZ;
delivery of training and workshops intended to convey the rules of business activity within SEZ and related settlements;
representing entrepreneurs in disputes with tax authorities, fiscal audit authorities and administrative courts.